Therapeutic name: Mineral Supplement
Generic name: Calcium Borogluconate Injection
Active Ingredients: Calcium gluconate, Boric Acid, Magnesium Chloride, Sodium Glycerophosphate, Ferric Glycerophosphate, Manganese Chloride and Cobalt Gluconate.
Hypocalcaemia diseases, tetanus of any kind, paresis especially parturition paresis, milk fever, lactation disturbances, osteomalacia, rickets, lick diseases, debility of newborns.
Dosage and Administration:
Should be administered either slowly intravenous or subcutaneously.
Horses: 80-100ml per 250kg bodyweight.
Cattle: 40-50ml per 250kg bodyweight.
Sheep and goats: 15-25ml
Pigs: 15-25ml.
Piglets and weaners: 2-3ml.
Dogs and cats: 1-5ml.
Withdrawal period from the last day of treatment:
Pack sizes:
100ml Vials.
Therapeutic name: Nutritional Supplement
Generic name: Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids
Active Ingredients: Each gram powder contains;
Vitamin A 15250IU, Vitamin D3 4500IU, Vitamin E 1.36IU, Vitamin K 4.5mg, Vitamin B2 4.5mg, Vitamin B6 2.35mg, Vitamin B12 11.5mcg, Vitamin C 1g, Niacin 16.75mg, Methionine 10.2mg, Lysine 15.25mg, Zinc Sulphate 12.25mg, Copper Sulphate 12.25mg, Manganese Sulphate 12.55mg, Sodium Chloride 50mg, Sodium Sulphate 210mg, Potassium Chloride 88mg, Soluble base (Dextrose) to 1gm
Dosage and Administration:
By oral route after dissolving in drinking water or mixing with mash feed administered over 6 days of continuous treatment.
Poultry: 10gm per 20litres of water or 10gm per 10kg of feed.
Sheep and goats: 5-10gmper animal.
Calves and Pigs: 5-10gm per animal.
Lambs and Kids: 5gm per animal.
Cattle and horses: 10-20gm per animal.
15gm per 100layers/breeders or 2-5gm per 100chicks.
Withdrawal period from the last day of treatment:
Pack sizes:
1kg, 500g & 100g sachet.
Therapeutic name: Multivitamin
Generic name: Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins
Active Ingredients: A water soluble powder containing concentrated fat soluble and water soluble vitamins.
DAWA BOOST-WS is a concentrated combination of water-soluble multivitamin powder that provides the important vitamins necessary for growth, production and maintenance of
health, correction of stress conditions and correction of vitamin deficiencies.
Dosage and Administration:
Poultry: Dissolve 1 sachet (30gm) per 20 litres of drinking water for 100 layers or pullets or 400 chicks or 1 heaped teaspoonful per 5litres of drinking water for 5-7 days.
Calves, pigs, sheep, goats and foals: Add ½ sachet (15gm) per animal in drinking water or mix concentrated feed for 5-7days.
Pack sizes:
5 x 30gms & 100gms sachet in a unit box.
Therapeutic name: Mineral supplement
Generic name: Iron Injection
Active Ingredients: Iron Dextran equivalent to 100mg Iron
Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency in piglets and other animals.
It is contraindicated in cases of vitamin E/selenium deficiency in piglets.
Dosage and Administration:
By deep intramuscular injection.
Piglets (prevention): 2ml on 3rd day of life and a repeat day dose on 21st day.
Cattle (treatment): 4-8ml.
Calves (treatment): 3-6ml.
Withdrawal period from the last day of treatment:
Pack sizes:
100ml & 50ml vials.
Therapeutic Class: Mineral Supplement.
Active Ingredients: Dry Matter, Calcium, Salt, Phosphorous, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Cobalt, Iodine, Selenium and Magnesium.
Medlick Joto is a custom made and specially formulated mineral supplement for dairy cattle and heifers, providing them with nutritionally balanced source of minerals.
Pack Sizes:
1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg & 20kg.